Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sanding the body

After hours and hours of sanding with a smooth file we have the body polished. Next week I will round the edges.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The outline (II)

We finally have the body cut. It's been a hard work because of the hardness of the wood. It still misses to sand, sand, sand, sand....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The outline (I)

Once we have the wood block cut in a shape that reminds the final one, we proceed to fix the body template on. We used the router with the drill shown on the picture that helps us to outline the body shape.

As the drill is not too long we will make the process in two parts.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cutting the body

The body is cut. As you can see all the contours are rough. We used a jigsaw and a router to cut the wood. With professional tools this part would have been much more easy because it's really hard to cut a piece of wood so thick. Now it starts the hardest part: we have to polish the shape and sand it.

Attached below some details of the work

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Wood used in this project is the same as the original guitar.

1. Body: ash (51 x 35 x 4,5 cm)
2. Neck: maple (69 x 100 x 2,5 cm)
3. Fingerboard: rosewood (60 x 70 x 0,6 cm)

We start with the body. First of all we draw the shape of the guitar using the template. 

We have to be carefull about the way marks in the wood are. We prefer to have them in the same direction as the neck, like the original Fender Telecaster.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cutting the body template

Using a jigsaw with a fine blade we proceed to cut the wood. Then we polish the shape to obtain the wished margins.

Monday, November 3, 2008


After having glued the drawing over a 3mm thick wood, we proceed to cut the wood. The measures were 51 x 35 x 0,3 cm


The first thing we need before starting is to have a good drawings of the guitar with the correct measures. This templates in paper of the guitar body and neck will be glued in a thin wood piece to build a "solid" templates. We use white glue.
Then we cut and polish the margins to obtain a template that allows us to draw the shape and cavities on the wood we will finally use. The kind of wood and measures will be discussed in another post.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The project starts

Here I start my first guitar building project. I'll start with an american vintage'52 Telecaster. I have to say that I have no experience in such kind of projects but I'll try to explain step by step how I manage to build the guitar. Hope to be a useful guide for anyone interested in building his own guitar and with no experience. I'll thank any commnent or advise you want to send.